Table | Description | Module |
CPT_LAYER | CPT Layer (Common Performance Trace) | BC-VMC |
CPT_ACTION | PT Action (Common Performance Trace) | BC-VMC |
CPT_METRIC | Unit of Measure in CPT (Common Performance Trace) | BC-VMC |
CPT_MODULE | CPT Module (Common Performance Trace) | BC-VMC |
CPT_ORIGIN | CPT Origin (Common Performance Trace) | BC-VMC |
CPT_RECORD | CPT Record (Common Performance Trace) | BC-VMC |
CPT_THREAD | CPT Thread (Common Performance Trace) | BC-VMC |
SVMCRT_CONF | VMC Runtime: Configurations | BC-VMC |
CPT_ALLOC_ID | ID Allocator in CPT (Common Performance Trace) | BC-VMC |
CPT_CORR_DEF | Definition of Correlator in CPT (Common Performance Trace) | BC-VMC |