SAP Product Safety (EHS-SAF) Tables

V000EHS: Conditions for Variant MatchingEHS-SAF
CVCBNEHS: Business process - language-dependent labelEHS-SAF
CVCCNEHS: Language-dependent label for communicationEHS-SAF
CVCCOEHS: CommunicationEHS-SAF
CVCECDDS: Error handler - valid error codesEHS-SAF
CVCERDDS: Error handler - recipient allocation (situation, error)EHS-SAF
CVCETEHS: Error handler - language-dependent error textsEHS-SAF
CVCHDEHS: Assignment table for default printerEHS-SAF
CVCHEEHS: Event buffer for report shippingEHS-SAF
CVCHPEHS: Assignment table for cover sheet and ack. of receiptEHS-SAF
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