SAP Table - A841

SAP TableA841
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategorySales and Distribution
Sub CategoryMaster Data

SAP Master Data Tables

A846Traffic Type Traffic Voice and Data Usage - YTEL05SD-MD
B073Transaction/Print Vers./Print Ind./SHKZGSD-MD
T683Pricing proceduresSD-MD
WSDT_MAT_LAYOUTCustomizing for Material CreationSD-MD
A017Material Info Record (Plant-Specific)SD-MD
WSDT_T683S_PURPredefined Price Elements in Pricing Procdure for purchasingSD-MD
A027Controlling AreaSD-MD
A126Service Agent/TariffZoneDep/TariffZoneDest/Freight ClassSD-MD
T683CBatch Search Procedure: Determination in Sales DocsSD-MD
KOTI003Material groupSD-MD

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