SAP Table - AGR_NUM_2

DescriptionInternal Counter for Assigning Profile Names
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryBasis Components
Sub CategorySecurity

SAP Security Tables

USR16Values for Variables for User AuthorizationsBC-SEC
SSFAPPLICTSSF Applications: Long TextBC-SEC
USRCERTMAPCertificate MappingBC-SEC
SEC_ST_CACHE_DBSecurity Token Cache RepositoryBC-SEC
TOBJ_OFFObjects that were disabledBC-SEC
STRUSTCABCentral Address BookBC-SEC
SRAL_PARAMSRead access logging: paramtersBC-SEC
SRAL_CONFIG_WSRAL: Configuration for Web ServicesBC-SEC
STRUSTCRRRevoked Certificates (Minimum Age)BC-SEC
USOBX_TSTMPLocal Time Stamp of Last SAP Change (USOBX)BC-SEC

Full List of SAP Security Tables