SAP Table - ANKL

DescriptionGeneration table for generating asset classes from accounts
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryAsset Accounting

SAP Asset Accounting Tables

IDPT_A061Depreciation ForegoneFI-AA
T090ZPeriod control for transactionsFI-AA
T082MDescription for logical field groupsFI-AA
ANKTAsset classes: DescriptionFI-AA
T093_BSN_FUNCERP Business Function for FI-AAFI-AA
T093DControl dep. postingFI-AA
T091TNames for Cut-Off Value KeysFI-AA
TABWMAsgnmt. hist. sheet (sub)groups to asset history sheet itemFI-AA
ANEVAsset downpymt settlementFI-AA
T094Index Figures for Replacement ValuesFI-AA

Full List of SAP Asset Accounting Tables