SAP Table - B074

SAP TableB074
DescriptionMissing Parts
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategorySales and Distribution
Sub CategoryMaster Data

SAP Master Data Tables

T683CBatch Search Procedure: Determination in Sales DocsSD-MD
A815ShipmntTyp/ServcAgent/TfZn P.Dep/FreightCl.SD-MD
B100Output Determination: DocumentType/Purch.Org./Material GroupSD-MD
A125Service agent/Tariff zone dep./Tariff zone targetSD-MD
CND_MEM_INF_UPLLock Table for Initial LoadSD-MD
A701Distr. Chl/Material/Product IDSD-MD
T681WConditions: Usage: TextsSD-MD
A002Country/Customer Classification/Material ClassificationSD-MD

Full List of SAP Master Data Tables