Description | Goods Receipt Automotive: Profiles for User Group |
Table Type | TRANSP |
Delivery Class | A |
Main Category | Logistics - General |
Sub Category | Service Parts Management |
SAP Service Parts Management Tables
Table | Description | Module |
BORGR_DIALOG_CFG | User-Specific Configuration: Multi-Level Goods Receipt | LO-SPM |
BORGR_DIALOG_PRO | Configuration of Multi-Level Goods Receipt per Profile | LO-SPM |
BORGR_DIALOG_T | Profile Texts: Configuration of Multi-Level Goods Receipt | LO-SPM |
BORGR_EVENTS | Table for Dialog Sychronization Two-Step GR Automotive | LO-SPM |
BORGR_FCODE | Inb. Del. Tracking: Internal Error Codes for Dialog Control | LO-SPM |
BORGR_FCODE_FUNC | Inbound Delivery Tracking: Assignment ECode to User Function | LO-SPM |
BORGR_FCODE_KEY | Inb. Del. Tracking: Assignment ECode Status to ECode Intern. | LO-SPM |
BORGR_FCODE_KEYT | BOR: Text Table for Assignment Status-Ecodes - int. ECode | LO-SPM |
BORGR_FILTER_PRO | Bordero: Filter Profile | LO-SPM |
BORGR_FILTER_T | Bordero Filter Profiles: Texts | LO-SPM |
BORGR_FUNC | Inbound Delivery Tracking: User Functions | LO-SPM |
Full List of SAP Service Parts Management Tables