SAP Table - CCIHC_OC01

DescriptionEHS: Operation Status
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassG
Main CategoryEnvironment, Health and Safety
Sub CategoryIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

SAP Industrial Hygiene and Safety Tables

CCIHC_RCNODETXTTexts for Causes and Root CausesEHS-IHS
CCIHC_RCNTYPENode Categories for Causes and Root CausesEHS-IHS
CCIHT_ERAIEHS: Exposure Log - Additional InformationEHS-IHS
CCIHC_RCNTYPETXTTexts for Node CategoriesEHS-IHS
CCIHC_WA07EHS: Control Table for Integration ObjectsEHS-IHS
CCIHC_PBEHS: Probability of RiskEHS-IHS
CCIHT_MPDVEHS: Devices Required for Measurement ProjectEHS-IHS
CCIHT_WAPTEHS: Assignment of Template to Work AreaEHS-IHS
CCIHC_MSOURCETXTEHS: Language-Dependent Description for Sampling LocationsEHS-IHS
CCIHC_MPTYPEEHS: Measurement Project TypeEHS-IHS

Full List of SAP Industrial Hygiene and Safety Tables