SAP Table - DIAN_A_1001_08

SAP TableDIAN_A_1001_08
DescriptionCached Data of DIAN Format 1001 version 08
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryLocalization

SAP Localization Tables

EPIC_CB_PLANEPIC: Cash Budgeting planning DB TableFI-LOC
J_3RKAIDActivate Automatic Offsetting Account DeterminationFI-LOC
J_1ISERCATMMFI1Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level1FI-LOC
J_1IEWTPROVTable for TDS provisionsFI-LOC
J_1I_EXIMLOIOEXIM:: Logical Information Object InstancesFI-LOC
J_1ACFOPTTexts for codes for foreign natural or legal personsFI-LOC
FIAPPTD_RUNIDTable to store the Run ID details of the CBR PT ReportingFI-LOC
J_3RKSPLITPSplitting rule positionsFI-LOC
J_1IBOSDEFAULTDefault Blling Type for ExportFI-LOC
J_1BTINDTYPTIndustry Main Type DescriptionFI-LOC

Full List of SAP Localization Tables