SAP Table - DIAN_A_1007_08

SAP TableDIAN_A_1007_08
DescriptionCached Data of DIAN Format 1007 version 08
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryLocalization

SAP Localization Tables

J_1ADTYPTTexts for distribution types for Gross Income TaxFI-LOC
J_3RSCCDITEMCargo Customs Declaration ItemFI-LOC
J_3RF_REGCUS_REVCustomizing for Reversals for Invoice Registration JournalFI-LOC
J_1IRG23DRG23D register for the depotFI-LOC
T059ID01TTexts in Withholding Tax Output GroupFI-LOC
J_1BECD_CUST07TTexts for Inter-Company Relationship CodesFI-LOC
J_1BCFOP_XREGNRegions with differing CFOP version and extensionFI-LOC
IDREPFW_CRCRL_CRep.Framework: Cross Check Rule IdentificationFI-LOC
J_3RF_TTAX_PRIVRussian transport tax privilege values and justificationsFI-LOC
J_1I_EXIMLORIEXIM:: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information ObjectsFI-LOC

Full List of SAP Localization Tables