SAP Table - EBAB

DescriptionSettlement Runs Subsequent Settlement, Header Data
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryMaterials Management
Sub CategoryPurchasing

SAP Purchasing Tables

FIP_C_RNDSTGY_TText table for fair share rulesMM-PUR
T160SAP Transaction Control, PurchasingMM-PUR
WRFT_DMAINDate MaintenanceMM-PUR
FIP_C_DSTRGYCustomizing table for distribution strategiesMM-PUR
T163RCReason for Final Account Assignment IndicatorMM-PUR
MMESOD_CONTROLCustomizing table for MM related Enterprise Search contentMM-PUR
EKRSDCERS Procedure: Planned Delivery Costs to be InvoicedMM-PUR
T161PCheck of Document Type, Document Category, Item CategoryMM-PUR
T160LScope of Purchasing ListsMM-PUR
TMBWTSource of Supply KeysMM-PUR

Full List of SAP Purchasing Tables