SAP Table - FDT_ACTN_1001S

DescriptionFDT: Action - Message
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryBasis Components
Sub CategoryBasis Services / Communication Interfaces

SAP Basis Services / Communication Interfaces Tables

SRMIDXSP00SRM Records: Status Table for Indexing DocumentsBC-SRV
SOPCPATHPath + File Name for Deleting PC Work FilesBC-SRV
SNWD_STAFFINGEPM: Staff assignments to org unitsBC-SRV
AQSLDBSAP Query: Tables and dates (local, trash)BC-SRV
SRMLORE07SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Logical Info ObjectsBC-SRV
TFO15PDF converter: Adobe font dataBC-SRV
SRM_INDX3Table for Deleted Queue ElementsBC-SRV
SOFFLOIOTSOFF: Descriptions of Logical Information ObjectsBC-SRV
AQGDBBSSAP Query: Assigning Functional Areas to User GroupsBC-SRV
SSPIUICUCDSPI: Definition of Step CollectionsBC-SRV

Full List of SAP Basis Services / Communication Interfaces Tables