SAP Table - FDT_DEMO_0001

SAP TableFDT_DEMO_0001
DescriptionFDT: Demo Table for DB Look-up Demos
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryBasis Components
Sub CategoryBasis Services / Communication Interfaces

SAP Basis Services / Communication Interfaces Tables

TSCICALSettings for Sending Appointment RequestsBC-SRV
TSADCORRBC-SRV-ADR: Activate/Deactivate Specific CorrectionsBC-SRV
SCMGLORI01Case: Inbound Relations of Logical Information ObjectsBC-SRV
SDOKDISTRDistribution of CategoriesBC-SRV
FDT_REPO_0000FDT: Repository Nodes for Persistance ObjectsBC-SRV
SDOKIOCLSDOK: Information object classesBC-SRV
SDOKCLPROPSDOK: Assessable attributes dependent on document classBC-SRV
TFW_SFLIGHT_MAKey Mapping Table for SFLIGHT Business ObjectBC-SRV
SDOKLOIOTSDOK: Logical information object descriptionsBC-SRV
FDT_CTLG_0300SFDT: Catalog LeafBC-SRV

Full List of SAP Basis Services / Communication Interfaces Tables