SAP Table - FERC_C7

DescriptionRegulatory indicators
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting

SAP Financial Accounting Tables

VBSETDocument Segment for Taxes Document ParkingFI
FBICRC01027Reconciliation: Current Status per CompanyFI
BSAS_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)FI
T070FI Document Archiving - Document LivesFI
T007STax Code NamesFI
T030DAcct Determ.for Open Item Exch.Rate DifferencesFI
FIN_AR_VIEW_REDUFI table fields to be suppressed in FI-AR HDB viewsFI
T033FAccount Determination: Posting RulesFI
ICRCZICRC: Reconciled, Completed ItemsFI
ICRC03Account Groups for G/L Account Reconciliation - NameFI

Full List of SAP Financial Accounting Tables