SAP Table - HRP5009

SAP TableHRP5009
DescriptionDB Table for Infotype 5009
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryTraining and Event Management
Sub CategorySAP Learning Solution

SAP SAP Learning Solution Tables

LSOLHACCOMACCESComments on Accommodation's AccessibilityPE-LSO
LSOTACASEITEMobsolete in LSO200: Assessment - Section - EBO - ItemPE-LSO
LSOLU_CLearning NetsPE-LSO
HRP5003DB Table for Infotype 5003PE-LSO
LSOCRPMEDIUMTOutput Media Supported: TextsPE-LSO
LSOCRPNOTIFGRPFCAssignment of Triggering Events to Notification GroupsPE-LSO
PA3225Personnel Record for Infotype 3225PE-LSO
LSOSTRATT_CMicro Strategy-Macro Strategy Combinations - TextsPE-LSO
HRT1886Table Section: Infotype 1886PE-LSO

Full List of SAP SAP Learning Solution Tables