SAP Table - HRP5045

SAP TableHRP5045
DescriptionDB Table for Infotype 5045
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryTraining and Event Management
Sub CategorySAP Learning Solution

SAP SAP Learning Solution Tables

LSOLSPPARLearning Service Provider: ParametersPE-LSO
LSOSTRATCT_CActive Micro Strategy-Macro Strategy Combinations - TextsPE-LSO
LSO_CUSTOMIZET_CTexts for Customizing Table in Learning SolutionPE-LSO
LSOCPSCORMELEMFor Saving the Assignment of the GUID to the Element NamePE-LSO
HRT5049Table Section Infotype 5049PE-LSO
LSOMETADATATSupported Metadata - Language TablePE-LSO
LSOCHANGECATTChange Category Language TablePE-LSO
LSOTFORM_CLearning Solution - Delivery MethodsPE-LSO
LSOTPTEBO_CParticipant - Learning Objectives AchievedPE-LSO
HRP1881DB Table for Infotype 1881PE-LSO

Full List of SAP SAP Learning Solution Tables