SAP Table - HRP5047

SAP TableHRP5047
DescriptionDB Table for Infotype 5047
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryTraining and Event Management
Sub CategorySAP Learning Solution

SAP SAP Learning Solution Tables

HRP5048DB Table for Infotype 5048PE-LSO
LSOLHGRADESCALETText Table for Grading ScalePE-LSO
HRP5007DB Table for Infotype 5007PE-LSO
HRT5041Table Division of Infotype 5041PE-LSO
LSOCPSCORMSSTRTable for Saving SCORM Values of Short String TypePE-LSO
LSOTACITEM200Item and Item AttributesPE-LSO
LSOLHROUNDRULETText Table for Rounding Rules for GradingPE-LSO
HRP1880DB Table for Infotype 1880PE-LSO
LSOLUEBO_CLearning Objective of a Learning NetPE-LSO
LSOLEARNSCORM_CCourse Completion - Status - SCORMPE-LSO

Full List of SAP SAP Learning Solution Tables