SAP Table - JBRBG2

DescriptionGap Analysis - Global Control
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryBank Components

SAP Bank Components Tables

BKKMPARUNHDGeneral Data for Mass Runs (Header)IS-B
BKK99Date of Early Balancing and End Date of PeriodIS-B
TBKK8NFeature - Charge Transaction Type AssignmentIS-B
JBRDBBEWEGRM: DB Table BEWEG Extended Category of Primary TransactionIS-B
TFIPR_ATTRTYPETDescription Attribute CategoryIS-B
KLLR01Assignment of Country - Rating/Recovery Rate DeterminationIS-B
VTBLISLimit Utilization: Summarization per Limit AmountIS-B
JBDUBPCGRProfit Center Group - Non-Interest-Bearing PositionIS-B
SAVID_DELTA_STATStatus of Delta UpdateIS-B
TBKK8KTTexts for Transaction Type Category (Diff.Type)IS-B

Full List of SAP Bank Components Tables