SAP Table - J_1BAI

DescriptionNCM Codes
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryLocalization

SAP Localization Tables

J_1BECD_CUST07Inter-Company Relationship CodesFI-LOC
J_1BITEMTYPESNota Fiscal Record TypesFI-LOC
J_1BNFDOCNota Fiscal HeaderFI-LOC
DOCCLSSOfficial document classFI-LOC
J_1AINFINVInflation: Invoices for Replacement Value DeterminationFI-LOC
J_1ISERCATMMFI2Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level2FI-LOC
J_3RFREP_CONDREFReporting Hierarchy Object: ref. to other node conditionsFI-LOC
J_1I_EXIMPHREPREXIM:: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOsFI-LOC
J_1BNFERFCBATCHNF-e documents to be send via Report J_1BRFCBATCHFI-LOC
J_1I_EXIMLOREEXIM:: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOsFI-LOC

Full List of SAP Localization Tables