SAP Table - J_1BAN

DescriptionStatus control
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryLocalization

SAP Localization Tables

TIVXCJPCCSETCompany-Specific Data CustomizingFI-LOC
J_1IARE_ATTRBExcise Bonding: AttributesFI-LOC
J_3RTVEHICLTime independent master record tax parameters of vehiclesFI-LOC
EPIC_CB_PLANEPIC: Cash Budgeting planning DB TableFI-LOC
EPIC_BCP_PTParameter Transfer Table for Program EPIC_BANK_COMM_PROGFI-LOC
J_3RSEXTRACTHExtract header (obsolete)FI-LOC
J_1BNFDANG_GOODSControl derivation of automatic NF texts for dangerous goodsFI-LOC
FIWTQAD_CERTWithholding tax certificate detailsFI-LOC
J_3R_STRDIV_TDTable of Structural Division IntervalsFI-LOC
J_3RF_TP_GROUPTTransfer pricing groups definition tableFI-LOC

Full List of SAP Localization Tables