SAP Table - J_1BTXIP1

DescriptionTax calc.: IPI rules
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryLocalization

SAP Localization Tables

T007K_LUTable for Grouping Tax Basis Balances LuxembourgFI-LOC
J_1BNFE_CUST3NF-e: System Configuration per Business PlaceFI-LOC
BUSTYPEType of BusinessFI-LOC
J_1I_EXIMLOREEXIM:: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOsFI-LOC
IDCN_GLACCATTRG/L account time-depen.attributes (CN)FI-LOC
J_1I_EXIMLOIOEXIM:: Logical Information Object InstancesFI-LOC
J_3RKSORTTSorting rule textsFI-LOC
TIVXCPTPTTAXCATTMunicipal Property Tax Category DescriptionFI-LOC
J_1BSDNFARelatn. symb. arg. - arg.field (creation of NF header texts)FI-LOC
J_1BNFEPARKTAXNota fiscal electronica: Invoice create failedFI-LOC

Full List of SAP Localization Tables