SAP Table - KNMT

DescriptionCustomer-Material Info Record Data Table
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategorySales and Distribution
Sub CategoryBasic Functions

SAP Basic Functions Tables

TRSETReset Data Before Production Start-upSD-BF
TNAD3Output Control: Printers by Sales OfficeSD-BF
TNADPWFMC: Valid printing parametersSD-BF
TTSEGTPLRTime Segment Template for Application RelationshipSD-BF
TVV4Customer Group 4SD-BF
TPAERBusiness Partner: Functions in Partner Determination Proced.SD-BF
SLS_C_PAYSP_PTSPayment Service Provider Payment Transaction StatusSD-BF
CMPB_ASGNCampaign AssignmentSD-BF
TVM2TMaterial Pricing Group 2: DescriptionSD-BF
LEDRUCKPROFILAssignment of a Printer to an ObjectSD-BF

Full List of SAP Basic Functions Tables