SAP Table - KONM

DescriptionConditions (1-Dimensional Quantity Scale)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategorySales and Distribution
Sub CategoryMaster Data

SAP Master Data Tables

WSDT_MAT_GROUPTGrouping in Material Layout: DescriptionSD-MD
KOTE004Customer HierarchySD-MD
A047Material Group Prices (Plant-Specific)SD-MD
A068Outline Agreement Item: Plant-DependentSD-MD
C502Chart of Accounts/SlsOrg/DChannel/AcctGroup Cust/Account KeySD-MD
KONDNConditions: Free goods - Data sectionSD-MD
B031Area of ResponsibilitySD-MD
T671TConditions: Views (Text)SD-MD
A821Advanced Returns Management - Returns Refund CodeSD-MD
TVZBTCustomers: Terms of Payment TextsSD-MD

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