SAP Table - MHNK

DescriptionDunning data (account entries)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryAccounts Receivable

SAP Accounts Receivable Tables

T056UControl table for calculation of interest on arrearsFI-AR
T179TMaterials: Product hierarchies: TextsFI-AR
T028Y_SEPAReturns Activities: Change Mandate StatusFI-AR
FSEPA_REFTYPESEPA Mandate: Permitted Contract TypesFI-AR
MAHNSAccounts blocked by dunning selectionFI-AR
MHNKODunning data (acct entries) version before the next changeFI-AR
KNKKF2Credit Management: Open Items by Days in ArrearsFI-AR
T056SInterest scale interest terms (acct
T047MDunning areasFI-AR
FSEPA_INST_SLPriority Rules for Local Instrument and Lead TimesFI-AR

Full List of SAP Accounts Receivable Tables