SAP Table - PA0696

SAP TablePA0696
DescriptionHR Master Record: Infotype 0696
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryUSA

SAP USA Tables

T5UFFPersonnel area to ADP company code mapping (US ADP only)PY-US
P2RU_GRORDPayroll Results: Garnishment for US OrderPY-US
T5UCP_STATECommon Paymaster Acknowledgement for StatesPY-US
BTXRCPTBSI: Tax Formula Reciprocal DataPY-US
PB0077HR Master Record: Infotype 0077PY-US
T5UPBSDSCOUNTYUS Federal Duty Station CountiesPY-US
PA0501Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data in Ded Not Taken (DDNTK)PY-US
BTXOVFRBSI: Higher Level Formulas for EmployeesPY-US
PA0633HR Master Record: Infotype 0633PY-US

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