SAP Table - PB0795

SAP TablePB0795
DescriptionApplicant data infotype 0795 (model)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassL
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryUSA

SAP USA Tables

T5UX5Assign attributes to tax authorityPY-US
T5UFEADP system variablesPY-US
T51TEText table for subjects of tax calculation and reportingPY-US
P2RU_GRORDPayroll Results: Garnishment for US OrderPY-US
T5UPBSTC01TCertificate: Issuing Authority Text TablePY-US
BSIUDESBSI Default DestinationPY-US
P2RU_GRRECPayroll Results: Garnishment for US RecordPY-US
T5UF5HR-US: ADP Interface, fields per record typePY-US
BTXOVFR_OBSI: Higher Level Formulas for EmployeesPY-US
T5UTLAVKAdditional Attributes of Tax Company on Tax Authority LevelPY-US

Full List of SAP USA Tables