SAP Table - PB0796

SAP TablePB0796
DescriptionApplicant data infotype 0796 (model)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassL
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryUSA

SAP USA Tables

T5UPBS20DSRDrug screening test reasonPY-US
T5UPBS14Visa Subtype (Country-Specific)PY-US
T5UPBSTC05Certificate: LevelPY-US
T5UPBSPA09TFunctional Classification Text (PS)PY-US
T5UTLATimedependent Attributes of Taxcompany on Taxauthority LevelPY-US
PRUEXTUSERSLink users/employees to external user namesPY-US
T5UXYTax Reporter Control RecordPY-US
BTXCUTXBSI: Customer Tax FormulaPY-US
PA0499Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data - YTDPY-US
T5UTSStates without withholding taxPY-US

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