SAP Table - PCEC

DescriptionPrenumbered Checks
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryBank Accounting

SAP Bank Accounting Tables

TFPM042FSBPayment Medium Formats: Modules for Writing/Sending FilesFI-BL
T042EAPayment method capability for ALE distributionFI-BL
TCCLGTPayment cards: Settlement run log (texts)FI-BL
TBKDCDay Difference betw. House Bank and Beneficiary Value DatesFI-BL
TBCHAINE0TDefinition of scenarios for bank chain determination (texts)FI-BL
FIEB_STATUSVTNames of Status Values for Internet MessagesFI-BL
T036RPayment Request LevelsFI-BL
TFIBLMPAYBLOCKReservation for Cross-Payment Run Payment MediaFI-BL
FIEB_STATUSVStatus Values for Internet MessagesFI-BL
FIEBREPRFIEB: Attributes of RelationshipsFI-BL

Full List of SAP Bank Accounting Tables