SAP Table - PRON

DescriptionPostprocessing of forecast errors and exception messages
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryMaterials Management
Sub CategoryInformation System

SAP Information System Tables

MCEKSR/2 PURCHIS Data (Status: Last Data Transmission)MM-IS
S198ES198 - Structural InformationMM-IS
S195Material movements: storage locationMM-IS
T147MDefinition of Scope of List: Vendor EvaluationMM-IS
T440LCorrection Factors: ForecastMM-IS
T147ADefinition for Main Criteria for Vendor EvaluationMM-IS
T147FDescription of Weighting Keys in Vendor EvaluationMM-IS
T147EDefinition of Weighting Keys by Main CriterionMM-IS
S196ES196 - Structural InformationMM-IS
PROPForecast parametersMM-IS

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