SAP Table - RMWBC_40

DescriptionRMS-WB: Tree Format Layout
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassE
Main CategoryEnvironment, Health and Safety
Sub CategoryBasic Data and Tools

SAP Basic Data and Tools Tables

EHSBC_TMSTMPEHS-BAS: Time Stamp of Last Possible Change (See Doc.)EHS-BD
EHSBC_LS01EHS: **OBSOLETE** Front End Op. Sys. Code Page AssignmentsEHS-BD
EHFNDC_CI_IPTable contains the configuration of the integration pointsEHS-BD
EHSBC_ST03EHS-BAS: Illegal Transitions to the System Status ProfilesEHS-BD
EHSBT_RC_EXPLSHMEHS: Table for Storing Explosion Result in Shared MemoryEHS-BD
RMWBC_15RMS-WB: Behavior for Data Element - Object TypeEHS-BD
TCG06EHS: Assignment TableEHS-BD
EHSBC_ST02EHS-BAS: System Status ProfilesEHS-BD
RMWBC_21RMS-WB: Registration of a Service GroupEHS-BD
EHSBT_RC_GRPSHMEHS: Table for Storing Substance Group in Shared MemoryEHS-BD

Full List of SAP Basic Data and Tools Tables