SAP Table - S065

SAP TableS065
DescriptionObject statistics
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryPlant Maintenance
Sub CategoryInformation System

SAP Information System Tables

S065Object statisticsPM-IS
PMCOCKFCost/Quantity structure: Customer-specific key figs (PMIS)PM-IS
TPMKCost key figures of the maintenance orderPM-IS
PMMRCKFIMG: Assign QUAN Fields to UNIT FieldsPM-IS
S070ES070 - Structural InformationPM-IS
S063Damage Analysis 30 .PM-IS
PMMRCKFAIMG: Update PMIS Measurement Document: Assignments and UnitsPM-IS
S205MAP: Store Planning MovementsPM-IS
TPMCKFPMIS: customer-specific value and quantity key figuresPM-IS
TPMCKFTPMIS: texts for cust.-specific value and quantity key figsPM-IS

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