SAP Table - S468E

SAP TableS468E
DescriptionS468 - Structure Information
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategorySales and Distribution
Sub CategorySales

SAP Sales Tables

VKDFSSD Index: Billing InitiatorSD-SLS
T181GGeneration SpecificationsSD-SLS
VBLBSales document: Release order dataSD-SLS
T182AAllocate Reporting Edit Routines to SAPscript ElementsSD-SLS
TVKRTDescriptions of Cancellation RulesSD-SLS
T476TParameterization of the Configuration EditorSD-SLS
TPVVProduct Proposal: Definition of Transaction ProcedureSD-SLS
S467Indirect Order UpdateSD-SLS
TVRMATRepairs Procedure: TextsSD-SLS
T180UReporting: Display Variants - HeadingsSD-SLS

Full List of SAP Sales Tables