SAP Table - SLS_ILC2

DescriptionPAW - Item LC2
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryKnowledge Management
Sub CategoryKnowledge Warehouse

SAP Knowledge Warehouse Tables

QMM_PHRIPREPF: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOsKM-KW
IWB7PHPRSAP KW: Attributes of Physical Info ObjectsKM-KW
IWCODEPAGEKEN Codepage info (which CP is used for a language)KM-KW
IWEXTODOKEn: Html Export Request ListKM-KW
IWTREFERENCIWB: Info Object Where-Used ReferencesKM-KW
KWPWLORIKW: Incoming Links of Physical Information ObjectsKM-KW
IWB1PHFKW: Physical Information Object FilesKM-KW
IWBENTRY_MIWB: Info Object Browser defaultsKM-KW
KWN_NODETGeneral Structure Storage Node NamesKM-KW
IWSYSTEMTKEN: Where-used list (texts) maintenance systemsKM-KW

Full List of SAP Knowledge Warehouse Tables