SAP Table - SLS_LOG2

DescriptionPAW - Logging Table (remake)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryKnowledge Management
Sub CategoryKnowledge Warehouse

SAP Knowledge Warehouse Tables

IWB1PHIOKW: Instances of Physical Information ObjectsKM-KW
IWB1PDELKW: Instances of Deleted Physical Information ObjectsKM-KW
IWB2PHPRKW: Physical Information Object AttributesKM-KW
CUSTLOIOTKEN: Description of Logical Information ObjectsKM-KW
IWB2CHKOKW: Physical Information Object Check-out DataKM-KW
IWB1LORIKW: Incoming Links of Physical Information ObjectsKM-KW
IWBKEYWRDInfo Workbench: Keywords (language-independent information)KM-KW
TXDPCHKFSAP KW: File Name of Last Check-OutKM-KW
KWNPHFKW: Physical Information Object FilesKM-KW
CUSTNODETGeneral Structure Storage Node NamesKM-KW

Full List of SAP Knowledge Warehouse Tables