SAP Table - STXH

DescriptionSTXD SAPscript text file header
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassW
Main CategoryBasis Components
Sub CategoryBasis Services / Communication Interfaces

SAP Basis Services / Communication Interfaces Tables

LAW_DESCR_INSTLAW: Description of an InstallationBC-SRV
SRMALDOCSRM: Management Table for ArchiveLink DocumentsBC-SRV
FDT_EXPR_3000TFDT: Expression - RuleBC-SRV
STXFVARTSmart Forms: Variants - Textual DescriptionBC-SRV
ZRMCONT05SRM: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)BC-SRV
PPFTSFFXRUPPF: Medium Smart Forms Fax (Runtime)BC-SRV
SPH_AGREXTSAPphone: Numbers of Authorization GroupsBC-SRV
BUT0CCBP: Payment CardsBC-SRV
ZRMLORE05SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Logical Info ObjectsBC-SRV
TNRT7Test no.range:with subobject;dep. grp;1 no.range fieldBC-SRV

Full List of SAP Basis Services / Communication Interfaces Tables