SAP Table - T012

SAP TableT012
DescriptionHouse Banks
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryBank Accounting

SAP Bank Accounting Tables

TBCHAIN2Bank Chains per Business Partner AccountFI-BL
T015W0Allocate application areas to instruction fieldsFI-BL
TFPM042FZTPayment medium formats: Supplement textFI-BL
T015W1TInstructions (explanatory text)FI-BL
PAYRPayment Medium FileFI-BL
T012EEDI-compatible house banks and payment methodsFI-BL
FIEBPHIOFIEB: Instances of Physical DocumentsFI-BL
TFIBLAPARPVAROnline Payment: VariantsFI-BL
FEB_ACTTDescriptions of Account Assignment TemplatesFI-BL
T042YAccount Determination for Bank to Bank PaymentsFI-BL

Full List of SAP Bank Accounting Tables