SAP Table - T021Z

SAP TableT021Z
DescriptionLine Layout Variants
Table TypePOOL
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting

SAP Financial Accounting Tables

T042ZDTScreen Control when Creating Payments in CountryFI
T030VAccount Conversion Tables for Distributed SystemsFI
T053WReason Code Conversion Version NamesFI
FMFGAAPAYLEDGERSet Ledger for 'Payment By Fund' TransactionFI
FOTETAXPCParameter Values Electronic Data Transmission to AuthoritiesFI
T004VField Status VariantFI
T030YTransaction Group NamesFI
FERC_F5Total actual costs on regulatory objectsFI
FOTTDCLXMLCountry-Specific ATR Reporting Data (XML Format)FI

Full List of SAP Financial Accounting Tables