SAP Table - T042

SAP TableT042
DescriptionParameters for payment transactions
Table TypePOOL
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryAccounts Payable

SAP Accounts Payable Tables

REGUPWW/tax information per w/tax type/FI line item in pmnt runFI-AP
FPRL_DOC_DIDisable Document Changes for Approval LevelsFI-AP
T059OTText table: Official withholding tax key descriptionsFI-AP
FPCR_WAITREASONTDescription of Wait ReasonFI-AP
REGUAChange of payment proposals: user and timeFI-AP
T007DTexts for Tax GroupsFI-AP
FPCR_USER_ACCAssignment of User to AccountantFI-AP
T046RTexts for the exceptions from cashed bills/
WITH_ITEMWitholding tax info per W/tax type and FI line itemFI-AP

Full List of SAP Accounts Payable Tables