SAP Table - T163X

SAP TableT163X
Description"Zombie" T163X
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassG
Main CategoryMaterials Management
Sub CategoryPurchasing

SAP Purchasing Tables

WRF_PRCT_WL_ITEMOriginal Table for Worklist ItemsMM-PUR
TMSI3Copying Fields: Main to Sub-itemMM-PUR
EKKIPurchasing Condition IndexMM-PUR
T167TTransaction DescriptionMM-PUR
T160QScope of List: Buyer's Negotiation Sheet: RoutinesMM-PUR
SMC_D_RFCDSTAssignment of RFC-Destinations according to Process TypeMM-PUR
FIP_D_S_PRICESBuffer table for sales prices informationMM-PUR
MEREQ_BADI_EXAMPBAdI ME51N: Example of Customer's Own DataMM-PUR
A160Plant Info Record: VariantsMM-PUR
TMSI4Time-Spots for New Determination of Sub-ItemMM-PUR

Full List of SAP Purchasing Tables