SAP Table - T16LC

SAP TableT16LC
DescriptionDescription of Scope of List: Purchase Requisitions
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassG
Main CategoryMaterials Management
Sub CategoryPurchasing

SAP Purchasing Tables

T6I1Document Index: Allowed Condition Types/TablesMM-PUR
MEREQ_BADI_EXAMPBAdI ME51N: Example of Customer's Own DataMM-PUR
EKBZHistory per Purchasing Document: Delivery CostsMM-PUR
FIP_D_FORECASTBuffer table for daily forecast valuesMM-PUR
WRF_PRCT_WL_SHDWShadow Table for Worklist ItemsMM-PUR
WRFT_POHF_EKGRPCross-Purchasing-Group Purchasing in Seasonal ProcurementMM-PUR
T16FVRelease PrerequisitesMM-PUR
WRFT_POHF_GEN_VObsolete: Please do not useMM-PUR
WRFT_DMAINDate MaintenanceMM-PUR
EKESVendor ConfirmationsMM-PUR

Full List of SAP Purchasing Tables