SAP Table - T5A73

SAP TableT5A73
DescriptionBGN(BVA) Consolidation File
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryArgentina

SAP Argentina Tables

T5A2JIncome Tax According to Effective Pay ScalePY-AR
T5AKBTText Table for T5AKBPY-AR
T5A2G_ADAssignment of Addresses to MunicipalitiesPY-AR
T5A9GCompany Number of UnionPY-AR
T5AK1Standard Working HoursPY-AR
T5APBS18SI Public Sector: Contribution Limits, RoundingPY-AR
P2RA_STPSOPayroll Result: Garnishment (A) - Special ConditionPY-AR
T5AS0TDescription of Usage Groups (Income Statistics)PY-AR
T5AB0Sick Leave Certificate: ELDA Opening and Closing RecordPY-AR
T5A8ACivil Servant GroupPY-AR

Full List of SAP Argentina Tables