SAP Table - T5ASRFE01T

DescriptionFast Data Entry Templates Names
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPersonnel Management
Sub CategoryHR Administrative Services

SAP HR Administrative Services Tables

T5ASRPROCGROUPTText for Grouping of Personnel Administration ProcessesPA-AS
T5ASRFE02Connection of Fast Data Entry Template to Form ScenarioPA-AS
T5ASRSEARCHFDSEmployee Search FieldsPA-AS
T5ASRFSCNLNKPossible Links for Additional InformationPA-AS
T5ASRFSCNFLDFields for Form ScenariosPA-AS
T5ASRDPFDOCUMENTAssignment of Model and Document TypesPA-AS
T5ASR01PHNMContainer HR Admin: Outbound Relations Physical Info.ObjectsPA-AS
POBJD_LEVELTable which stores the top level guid for each guidPA-AS
T5ASRDABDEFDefault Settings for Displaying Infotype Records in DABPA-AS
T5ASRFSCNSRVBackend Services for Form ScenariosPA-AS

Full List of SAP HR Administrative Services Tables