SAP Table - T5UDU

DescriptionBenefit Termination Rule Variant
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPersonnel Management
Sub CategoryBenefits

SAP Benefits Tables

T74_FBN06Holiday Buying/Belling GroupingPA-BN
T5UBOBenefit investment groupPA-BN
T5UDOBenefit credit groupingPA-BN
T74GABenefit insurance plan textsPA-BN
PA0375HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0375 (Add. Benefits Inform.)PA-BN
T74_FBN_GB00Flexible Benefits National Insurance NeutralityPA-BN
T5UC1Benefit plan type textsPA-BN
T74HUCOBRA Subtypes of Additional Qualified BeneficiariesPA-BN
T5UDRTo be deleted - no longer used!PA-BN
T5UCEBenefit health plan option textsPA-BN

Full List of SAP Benefits Tables