SAP Table - T5UPBS12T

DescriptionText for Visa subtype
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryUSA

SAP USA Tables

T5UPBSDEF_WTWage Types for Deferred Pay ReportPY-US
T5UPBS01VALIDATLink to validation tablesPY-US
T5UPBSTC05Certificate: LevelPY-US
T5UPBSCMPLVUS Federal Competitive LevelsPY-US
T5UPBSEEOAGACTEEO Complaint Agency Actions textPY-US
T5UPBSTC16Certificate: Classification, Area and LevelPY-US
T5UPBSTC02TCertificate: Certificate Type Text TablePY-US
T5UPBSTC21Certificate: Renewal Code TablePY-US
PA0457HR Master Record: Infotype 0457PY-US
T51G2Off-Cycle Batch TablePY-US

Full List of SAP USA Tables