SAP Table - T5US1

SAP TableT5US1
DescriptionSAP Taxability Matrix Table
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryUSA

SAP USA Tables

T51R4Remittance origin link data per personnel no.PY-US
T5UPBSTC21Certificate: Renewal Code TablePY-US
T5UT3Data to be printed in a tax formPY-US
PA0501Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data in Ded Not Taken (DDNTK)PY-US
T5UPBSOCCSEUS Federal Occupations (Series)PY-US
T5UPBSTC02TCertificate: Certificate Type Text TablePY-US
P2RU_GRRECPayroll Results: Garnishment for US RecordPY-US
PA0451HR Master Record: Infotype 0451PY-US
T7US_ETA_TXOVMTax Override Method Per Tax TypePY-US
T5UGMHR: Garnishment OriginatorPY-US

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