SAP Table - T5UTF

DescriptionZIP Codes for Residence Tax Areas
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryUSA

SAP USA Tables

PA0096HR Master Record: Infotype 0096 (Tax - USA)PY-US
T5UP3Establishment textPY-US
T5UPBS01APPLTApplication Definition TextPY-US
T5UPBSEEOAGACTEEO Complaint Agency Actions textPY-US
T5UCP_CPCFICommon Paymaster: Map posting wage types to CP tax companyPY-US
T5UPBS20DSMDrug screening test methodPY-US
T5UGFDetermining Additional Exempt AmountPY-US
T5UG1HR: Garnishment Document CategoryPY-US
T5UTOAssignment of technical wage types to tax typesPY-US
T5UTAResident Tax AreasPY-US

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