SAP Table - T5UTT

DescriptionTax Types (US)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryUSA

SAP USA Tables

BTXOVFRBSI: Higher Level Formulas for EmployeesPY-US
T51R8Remittance evaluation run per payroll resultPY-US
T5UTWTax Authorities per Work Tax AreaPY-US
T5UPBS101042-S Country CodePY-US
PA0498Payroll Infotype: US Benefits Data - QTDPY-US
T5UPBSPOOLTSick Leave Pool Text TablePY-US
T5UFDVariables for ADP company set upPY-US
T5UPBS01FAVORITENature of Actions Favorites TreePY-US
T5UGKPrint Request of Answer LettersPY-US
T5UGEDetermining Amount Exempt from LevyPY-US

Full List of SAP USA Tables