SAP Table - T6WFGT

DescriptionDegree of Fashion
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryLogistics - General
Sub CategoryLogistics Basic Data

SAP Logistics Basic Data Tables

T434HTexts for stock determination rule (T434G)LO-MD
TVPRTCommission Group TextsLO-MD
CMMD_CDT2TMaster Data Texts SubcategoryLO-MD
WPABMaterial Order Number (Dummy Table for Blocked Objects)LO-MD
LFM1Vendor master record purchasing organization dataLO-MD
WRF12Plant / receiving pointsLO-MD
EBEWHValuation of Sales Order Stock: HistoryLO-MD
WER_EXP_MC_AExpression method call class and method (Customers)LO-MD
MGVSPECTYPESpecialization types material masterLO-MD
T434STexts for stock determination rule (T434R)LO-MD

Full List of SAP Logistics Basic Data Tables