SAP Table - T706B4

SAP TableT706B4
DescriptionTravel Expense Types: Assignment of Wage Types
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryTravel Management

SAP Travel Management Tables

PTRV_BEIH_BELAssignment of Receipts to a Subsidy for Trips HomeFI-TV
T706_DEFAULTTEXTNames of Reference Texts for Entering TripsFI-TV
TA20PITrip RuleFI-TV
T706_CITY_CD_46CTable for Specifying the City Code/Community Code NumberFI-TV
T702_ACCTTYPETDescription of American Express Account TypesFI-TV
FTPT_REQUESTTravel Plan RequestsFI-TV
FTPT_TM_MEMOMemo table for Travel ManagementFI-TV
TA20NEGOFNegotiated Flight Fares (Corporate Nego Fares)FI-TV
TA21OAOffice ActivityFI-TV

Full List of SAP Travel Management Tables