SAP Table - T706ESS3

SAP TableT706ESS3
DescriptionMapping table for docu in Excel sheet
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassE
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryTravel Management

SAP Travel Management Tables

TA20RTrip activity type - Travel PlanningFI-TV
T706_CITY_CODETable for Specifying the City Code/Community Code NumberFI-TV
PTRV_ARCHIVEAdministrative Table for Archived Trip DataFI-TV
T702IStatutory Reimbursement Groups for Meals/AccommodationsFI-TV
T706ESS1FI-TV: Customizing Table Intranet ScenarioFI-TV
TA22CERBD assignment of airline exceptionsFI-TV
PTRV_SBACKLOGTrip Statistics - Batch/Backlog ProcessingFI-TV
TA20NRHSDiscount Agreement for Hotels (Individual Hotel)FI-TV
FTPT_REQ_REASONReason for Travel RequestFI-TV

Full List of SAP Travel Management Tables